Thursday, March 3, 2016

Good quality people

" Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for tis better be alone than in bad company."
Image result for george washington
This quote means that it will be better if you hang out with good people. If you associate with good people and not bad. Because the good will make u do good things. The bad will make you do bad things and put you into trouble. But it says better be alone than in bad company. This means that if you dont got friends that are good esteem to be alone better. I agree with this because its better to be alone than around bad and fake friends reason why because who knows the day you get in trouble what are they going to do for you ? You tell yourself right now that there your homeboys or niggas but the day you do something bad they will turn fake on you like nothing ever happened and thats were it will all come to you that in this world there are no friends. Only yourself and your family.

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